Journey to a Little Leonard
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Libby Update
*Libby has started school. She's doing much better now, but the transition hasn't been as easy as we had hoped. She's such a trooper though!
*Libby had a great checkup at the pediatrician. She's chunking up and growing BIG TIME! We've zoomed through 2 sizes in clothing already!
*The orthopedic doctor at Emory, Dr. Bruce, is amazing. Libby has prescriptions for new braces and a gait trainer! She'll also be having botox injections in her left arm and leg with casting to follow. We're praying the weeks she's in the casts are not as hard as we're thinking. HAHA Dr. Bruce sees Libby making GREAT progress!
*We also really liked Dr. Peterson, Libby's pediatric ophthalmologist. We're currently doing patch therapy to strengthen the muscles in her left eye. Y'all, she's AMAZING! The first day was no fun patching, but she gets mad when it's time to take the patch off! HAHA She's also getting glasses this week. She kept picking up the pink frames so I let her go with it! I was leaning toward the clearish frames, but the girly girl in me was THRILLED when Libby loved the pink! We're praying the glasses help her out a ton and that she keeps them on.
*Speech, OT, and PT are WONDERFUL! We're so thankful for the help Libby is getting with the amazing therapists that she sees! We can see growth already!
*Tubes will go in her ears the day before Halloween, and we're eager to see the change in her once she can hear better. It's not going to be fun to have our baby put to sleep though. :/
*In November, Libby will have an MRI to make sure everything is okay and to get a baseline. Another time she'll be put to sleep so please help us pray that all goes well.
*Tuesday, WE FINIALIZE LIBBY'S ADOPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She'll officially be a Leonard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Libby is getting better with her peers and not being as aggressive. She's still learning, but we're so proud of how far she's come. Hey, she's feisty like her mommy. Just ask my cousins and Timmy. ;)
*We're so thankful that God has chosen us to be Libby's parents. Please continue to pray for Libby and for us as we've got a lot going on. :)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Libby's speech therapist was impressed with her new signs and how clear she was saying the words she knows. I'm so proud! She said that after the tubes go in at the end of October we should see major improvements! WOOHOO!!!!
Libby's occupational therapist was also impressed with the range of motion in her left arm and leg. She basically said the exact opposite of what Dr. Doofus said. Libby even took 2 steps to me! I love that during both sessions yesterday, the therapists gave me homework. Being the nerdy mommy that I am, we practiced some as soon as we got home. Libby is such a hard worker! She was asking "mowoah peesh" after we did some stretching exercises!
Today was physical therapy, and it was amazing! She looked over all the braces that Libby has had throughout her 3 years (you go Hong Kong!), and she taught me how to put on her leg/feet braces and the brace for her left arm. She was also impressed with Libby's range of motion, how well she sits up, stands up, her flexibility, etc. Libby will most likely be getting a gait trainer (a walker like for elderly just reversed). The gait trainer plus the braces will have our little girl walking in a few months. When the PT told me this, I couldn't hold my tears in y'all. It was the kind of cry where you're so stinkin' happy that you laugh. Libby Rose has accepted that I'm nuts, but the poor PT probably didn't know what to think! HA! She ended the session by giving more things to work with Libby Rose on while at home.
I'm incredibly thankful for the three fabulous therapies Libby is going to get and for the wonderful ladies who will help her progress as much as possible. Next week, we have her qualification meeting, and I'm eager to see what goals are made for her IEP. I know she'll kick some serious hiney!!!
When I think back to the things happening 8 years ago when I was trying to get a good job in the system I so badly wanted to teach at, I'm amazed at how things worked out. I was crushed that I wasn't hired there, but I quickly learned that God had better plans for me. That meant a move over the mountain and a new hometown for our family of 2. At that point, the thought of having children was far from our minds. It wasn't far from God's mind though. He knew that we would adopt a precious little girl who would need amazing teachers and therapists that could help her with her special needs. I believe and am so thankful for where Libby Rose will be going to school!
Since Libby can wear her braces, she needed bigger shoes. I scored these two pair for $18.02 at Payless (Jen taught me that Payless is the bomb). The Minnie Mouse shoes were $19.99, and the blue/pink shoes were $4.50 because of the B1G1 1/2 off sale. I then had $4 coupons off of each pair since I had to drive to another store... SO the blue pair of shoes were 50 CENTS!!!!!! WHAT?! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Libby Rose's braces fit well in her shoes and she has a little room to grow. :)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Our Journey with Libby
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today marks exactly one month until our Libby Rose KitYing turns 3 years old. It's hard to believe that we've hoped for her for a year and 2 months already!
We would like for you all to continue praying that we'll be with her as soon as possible. It seems that we could have yet another delay... Our estimated travel time has been moved so many times already...
We would absolutely love to be with our little girl before she turns three, but we realize it's not in our control. We're praying that we will be with her! If we are not able to be with Libby until after her birthday, we'll celebrate whenever we want! After crying a couple buckets full about another possible delay, we decided that we'll just make up a birthday this year! We'll make our own rules. HA!
Also, Father's Day may come and go before we are with our precious Libby. If this is the case, please pray extra for Charlie. Last year's Mother's and Father's Days were FUN knowing we had a DAUGHTER! This year, Mother's Day was hard again. Even harder than before we were matched with Libby Rose. Spending the night at "home home" was wonderful and being with Mama almost all day was wonderful! Timmy and I were able to spend Mother's Day at Cloudland Canyon with Mama like when we were kids! I'm very blessed to have such an amazing husband and family who encouraged me and kept me busy. :)
To say we're not completely disappointed would be a big, fat lie! We are. For real. We're choosing to take things one day at a time. We'll continue to pray for our sweet girl without ceasing. We'll still cry, have melt downs, get mad, hide under a blanket, BUT we pray happy days filled with daydreams of Libby Rose will outnumber the yucky!
Thanks so much for your continued prayers for Libby Rose and for our family!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Overflowing Cup