Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Apparently we are deserving of learning a whole new level of patience. Today after an email exchange with the Hong Kong coordinator, it now appears, due to paperwork processing times in HK, that we are now looking at mid to late May as the earliest time frame for us to travel to get Libby. I can't say we understand why, I can't say we like it, I can't say we aren't sad, mad, disappointed, and discouraged. Today felt to both of us as if we could quit trying. It's not nice, fun or cheery, but it's the truth. Honestly, the only thing that has got either of us through the day is the hope of seeing and holding her soon, our soon just isn't His soon. You go into adoption being told it's journey and that you may have to wait, what you don't understand until you are in the middle of it is that it's more like riding the bus line and getting off at every stop and you have to stay there until the "right" bus comes along, it could be the first, third or fiftieth bus, you just have to remember it's what's at the end of the line to make it worth it. We love you Libby Rose KitYing!!


  1. I can't imagine how hard the wait must be, and I'm so, so sorry that you've been waiting so long already. I always pray that God bring her home as fast as possible. Love you guys! Hang in there!
